On Page SEO Analysis
Naturally, any effective SEO campaign must first deal with the website itself. On-site optimization, which is the process of targeting your website to your specific niche, is extremely important for the “baseline relevancy” that search engines like Google apply to your site. While off site factors will carry more relevance for the search engines, a poorly optimized on-site campaign can stop a website dead in its tracks. Here are some of the areas we look at for at this stage:
Duplicate Content
One of the basic problems that negatively effect a website’s on-site optimization is duplicate content. Search engines want to deliver the best user experience they can, and as such, they strongly prefer websites that give their viewers original content at frequent intervals. If your website has identical content with any other website on the web it will be that much harder for you to rank competitively. This includes people who steal content from you, so we use duplicate content detection software to make sure your website is 100% original 100% of the time.
Internal Linking and Information Architecture
Information architecture refers to the layout and structure of the content on your site. This is a crucial, yet seldom understood component to a strong SEO campaign. The URL structure of your site for example, which includes the keyword relevancy to the flow of your internal Page Ranking system, can either make or break your SEO campaign. Our team has created proprietary software and several innovative concepts (including Second Page Poaching) to leverage information architecture to your advantage.
On-Page / On-Site HTML Optimization
Search engines and their algorithms literally “read” the code on your pages to determine how relevant your website is to a certain subject matter or popular search term. Pages that are poorly structured, badly coded, and full of errors will significantly reduce their ability to gain decent ranking in the search engines, especially for competitive markets. Those website that are on the first page of Google are streamlined and flawless on the back end, and your site must be too if you hope to cash in on the flood of potential visitors that are searching for your product.
Speed Matters – Page Loading Speed
Recently, Google added another factor which they use to determine search engine positions for the web pages in their index- Speed. How quickly a web page loads is now extremely important; not just for user-experience, but for the battle to the top of the SERP’s (search engine results pages). Therefore it is essential that you implement speed strategies to your website including database optimizations, better image compression, and many other speed-enhancing functions that will make your website load in a snap of the finger.
And There’s More…
We have ascended to our position in the industry by paving new ground, not by following “what the other guys are doing.” For example, we have developed 100% unique techniques including PageRank Recovery, spider-based audits, tag seeding, and more … We use these proprietary methods to determine exactly where your site is in the search engines and what needs to happen to get it to go where you want it to.
Implementation of On-Site Strategies
We only hire the best to work with our team. We employ only the best writers, designers, and programmers; talent which gives us a notable advantage when compared to other SEO consulting agencies. Each member of our team holds, at minimum, a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or upwards of 4 years in the field. The team works together to implement the very best in search engine marketing strategies including:
Optimized Content Creation
Using the keyword competition data from our initial analysis we craft carefully optimized content for your website, including the important Meta tags to help you gain the most traffic possible.
Strategic URL Rewriting
We implement the best URL structure for your website, whether it’s Apache Mod or ISAPI rewrite. Optimizing your URL ensures that you gain the most out of your on-site potential.
Your Internal Link Structure
Sculpting, tweaking and improving the flow of PageRank throughout your website can yield you long-tail rankings you otherwise would have missed out on. We have developed custom solutions, such as our Second-Page Poaching and Population-Directed Internet Linking to best utilize the PageRank on any given website.